Gender Program

There are various family structural funds available to assist female scientists with child-minding at home, re-integration following parental leave as well as subsidizing gender-relevant initiatives and flexible arrangements to maintain a good "work-life balance".
The TUM familiy service is an offer of the Technical University Munich for students and employees with children. As entrepreneurial university we have the aim to create an optimal working environment for all people who study or work at the TUM. Consequently we support students and employees, who grow up children or care for family members.
Intellectual talent, creativity and passion are decisive at the Technische Universität München. TUM fosters talented individuals irrespective of gender, nationality, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation Openness and mutual respect are the basis of intellectual advancement. It is diversity among our scholars and scientists, students and employees that makes TUM an innovative and dynamic university. With our motto "Talents in Diversity" TUM creates a study and work environment in which individual abilities can develop and flourish. The result is a study and work place characterized by vibrant teams, fruitful debate and outstanding research.
Career, mobility, partnership and children – creating appropriate links between complex issues – it is in matters such as these that we at Technische Universität München wish to offer you some assistance, in conjunction with the Max-Planck-Society (original member), the Helmholtz Zentrum München, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, SÜD-CHEMIE AG, Infineon Technologies AG, Allianz AG and Siemens AG in Munich, the ifo Institute for Economic Research, the Goethe-Institut e.V., the University of Applied Sciences Munich, the Katholische Stiftungsfachhochschule München (University of Applied Sciences) and the Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences. We provide support in handling tough mobility demands and help you to devise tailor-made solutions for your respective career paths or dual career challenges.
Family & Career
For a better compatability of family and career the LMU offers different measures.
KeCK - Coordination for equal opportunity and career planning
The Faculty of Medicine created a position in December 2012 to implement equal opportunities in science in a more targeted manner and with personal support. The main focus is on promoting female scientists - especially after the doctorate phase, as women and professors who qualify for a professorship are severely underrepresented at the Faculty of Medicine and the Klinikum rechts der Isar (see graphic). Women scientists, therefore, find special support in planning their careers and in reconciling family and work.
mentorING is a career building program for female engineers and scientists. In order to increase the number of women in the technical sector and to encourage techy women, we work with a combination of three well-tried tools for the promotion of young talents:
Mentoring: For a period of one year, male and female mentors advise and support female students and young employees in establishing their career.
Qualification: By visiting seminars and workshops the participants acquire a number of skills which are important for their career building.
Networking: The participants are introduced to a network related to their work and studies.
Coaching means the solution- and aim-oriented consulting in the occupational environment to promote the reflexivity as well as the self-directed improvement of the cognition, the experience and the behaviour. The coach will support you by realising a concern or solving a problem as well as improving your compliance and performance.
In short: Coaching means the individual promotion of your occupational development.
The mentoring program within LMUexcellent has the aim to support highly qualified female researchers on their way to professorship.
This programme offers manifold and high-quality, free selectable trainings for young female researchers at the LMU who aim for professorship.
The need for practice-oriented seminars and trainings which impart key qualifications outside of the curriculum increases. This is accounted for by the programme LMU-PLUS.
This three years program provides a high-level scientific training for students with a background in medicine as well as for those with a background in natural and life sciences or engineering. It consists primarily of an experimental scientific project that is performed in the laboratory of a faculty member. The practical work is complemented by interdisciplinary lectures, seminars, practical courses and laboratory rotations.
Graduate School of Information Science in Health (GSISH)
GSISH believes that due to substantial changes within medicine and the whole health care domain, a key role has emerged for informatics in health, in health technology and in related fields. To face these challenges, multidisciplinary collaboration between informatics, medicine, and many other fields has become essential.
International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE)
The TUM International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) is sponsored by the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments with more than 7 million Euros in funds for the period 2006-2011. IGSSE aims to integrate Natural and Engineering Sciences through graduate and postgraduate education rooted in a strong research foundation. The education offered by the Graduate School is interdisciplinary and team-oriented.
Typical research areas include Computational Science & Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials, and Energy, Geodynamics & Environment. IGSSE brings together German and international Research Training Groups and Master’s programs at TUM.